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EducationSix Sigma

Let’s Implement Six Sigma in Our Schools

Why not implement Six Sigma methodologies and the philosophy of quality and excellence in our school systems? As a subject taught at every grade level, we could use the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) Six Sigma method as an example to improve our schools in America.

schools six sigma methodologies

We understand that Six Sigma implementation within a company requires that everyone’s goal be:

  1. Increase customer satisfaction
  2. Increase efficiency of the processes
  3. Lower costs
  4. Increase profits

Now remember, the Six Sigma concept of quality has to apply to every process within the company, so everyone has the same high standard.

In the Six Sigma culture, the VOC (Voice of the Customer) is extremely important, as that tells us what exactly is our customer’s needs and requirements. So in our schools, the parents could not only be considered the customers, but could also be considered the shareholders, as they are either paying the fees if it is a private school, or the taxes if it is a public school. The teachers are the employees, or the team who produces the service, which in this case would be educating the students.

Using DMAIC 

Define: In this phase, write down the purpose of the project or assignment, the complete definition, using a process map, what area it will be applied, and the exact goal (desired improvement, benefits). Be as specific as possible. In this definition, you could define the problems such as noise or distractions in the classroom, high absentee rates, etc.

Measure: Conduct data on current condition of the project in which you are trying to improve. This data should be on the emphasis of this project.

Analyze: Here, the analysis is conducted for identifying where in the process is the quality being affected, or where the issue or problem is situated.

Improve: Here you find a permanent solution to the problem.

Control: Maintain the new improved process with the solution by creating protocol and management procedures to be kept and maintained.

One can implement Six Sigma at several levels — both at the professional level within the school system, and at the learning level to teach children how to achieve their goals and maintain high standards.

For more information on our Six Sigma training courses or services, please visit 6sigma.com.

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