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Consulting – Add Value With Six Sigma Certification

Six Sigma is a strategy for process improvement in business, offering many prosperous career opportunities. If the company you work for provides you with valuable Six Sigma training, you may wish to consider a new career. There are numerous Six Sigma-related occupations in different workplaces. Previously, Six Sigma originated as a process improvement scheme strictly in the manufacturing industry. However, it continues expanding, encompassing all varieties of work, including technology, health equipment, automotive, and more. As a result, organizations, including governmental, see the potential for transformation through Six Sigma’s highly effective techniques. The demand for trained practitioners to help businesses and organizations change their production processes grows constantly. Begin your path to a new, exciting position beginning with your own consulting career!

From Being an ‘Employee’ to Being the ‘Employer’

Six Sigma training is an asset many businesses value and can advance your career within your own company. This is done by administering the same training within your corporation, making you a potent financial asset to your employers. However, if you wish to pursue self-employment, there is vast potential for success with starting your own Six Sigma consulting agency. This option proves to be successful for many people starting out in Six Sigma consulting. Working with clients to implement Six Sigma training, a high level of proficiency with these practices is a must! The key to succeeding as a Six Sigma entrepreneur is obtaining Black Belt training. This course can be costly, leading to employers limiting who is offered it. However, having this as part of your skillset will allow you to develop leadership and communication skills, as well as an expert-level knowledge of Six Sigma methodology.

The Benefits of Advanced Certifications

Six Sigma training is an incredibly versatile tool to have in the workplace. However, consulting careers continue to prove to be the most prosperous. When beginning your consultancy as a freelancer, online job boards are a great way to find Six Sigma-related jobs. Although, not all listed jobs are as easy to find. Regardless of what ‘belt’ you are or whether you can deliver Six Sigma training, your certification is highly valuable to potential clients. Furthermore, the higher your belt training level, the higher salary you can request. In the workplace, delivering expert training to employees enables them to utilize and implement effective business practices. As an entrepreneur, a higher ranked certification qualifies you to work on more advanced job listings. Additionally, the more experience you gain, along with Six Sigma training, enhances your reputation throughout your industry.

Nevertheless, whether you are Green Belt, Yellow Belt or Black Belt certified, you possess a skill set that other employees do not. If you wish to advance your career, gain valuable skills for your own enterprise, or further your current Six Sigma knowledge, take advantage of these exciting advanced certifications!

SixSigma.com offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!


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