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The Secret to Negotiation: How to Negotiate Six Sigma Style

Any real business professional should know how to negotiate effectively. Understanding the art of the deal and how to use negotiation is essential to your success. But did you know Six Sigma techniques can be used to negotiate even more effectively? This is, as it happens, the topic of today’s article. Do you want to improve your rhetorical skills and make of yourself a principal negotiator? Do you want to score all the big deals for your company using your specialist Six Sigma knowledge? Well, look no further. Join us as we show you how to negotiate Six Sigma style!

Six Sigma Style Negotiation Vs. Everything Else

As you may know, not all negotiation styles are the same. There are differences between traditional business back-and-forth and other kinds, like Six Sigma style negotiation. Six Sigma negotiation incorporates aspects of Six Sigma methodology into traditional bargaining strategies. Ideas like the focus on valid data, coming up with creative and satisfying compromises and solutions and eliminating defect. But when is negotiation be necessary? It’s necessary:

  • When your company wishes to create a partnership with a separate enterprise.
  • If your business wishes to purchase another.
  • When you want to receive a raise or promotion.
  • If you want to sell a product or service to someone.

Use Data to Help Drive Home Your Point

When negotiating, you should rely on the data you’ve researched and absorbed beforehand. That way, you’ll know the problem and any potential solutions inside and out. Root Cause Analysis can help you get to the bottom of issues that need resolving. The insights gained from root cause analysis will also give you an added edge in your negotiation tactics. The more you know and can demonstrate about the subject, the greater your chances of success. You will also be able to attack the problem from a different angle to your opponent. Analytical skills are essential in negotiation as you will be expected to absorb and make sense of a lot of information. The best negotiators are also the best listeners, and the one thing that makes listeners challenging opponents is that they give nothing away. However, you should never swing all the way in one direction.

Negotiation = Listening + Analytical Skills

Balance your listening and analytical skills with a drive for success and improvement. While negotiating, ensure that you demonstrate your drive for change and your firm stance on the matter at hand. If you’re likely to cave in at a moment’s notice, you won’t make a strong negotiator. You should state explicitly what your demands, views or needs are, and why they are important. What is it you want to say? How are you going to say it? The first half of the art of negotiation is convincing the other person why you are right. The other half is compromise.

Negotiation: Solutions and Compromises

When conducting Six Sigma style negotiation, be prepared not to get everything you want. This is sometimes the way in business. But with Six Sigma you also have the opportunity to devise creative solutions that will satisfy everyone. Remain active and focused on your objective. What is it you want? Why do you want it? Why do you deserve it? How are you going to get it? Furthermore, preparation will ensure you’ve covered all the bases beforehand. Think about how much work goes into planning and preparing a Six Sigma project? Use your preparation to your advantage.

Contact us if you have additional questions.

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