Doctors, accountants, IT pros, and Six Sigma consultants — what do all these professionals do? They continuously upgrade their education. Why? With new evolving business practices, the globalization of industry, and new technologies, there is a need to keep up.

Most professionals keep going to classes to keep up with the latest changes in their industries. Every year, CPAs have to learn the new laws and regulations that apply to this year’s tax return. They do this so they are current with the latest tax codes and can service their clients properly. True proponents of Six Sigma aren’t any different. Those in set industries that deal in customer service, quality control, manufacturing, and just about anything that has to do with business and making a profit and fulfilling customer requirements need to stay educated.
So new and interesting ways to apply DMAIC to an industry that wasn’t around back when Six Sigma are constantly being created. The good part of this equation is with all the new advancements in technology, the gathering of data that Six Sigma requires is an easy step.
One can compare the importance of constant affiliation with a well-established and reputable Six Sigma organization to a top medical school for research purposes. The process of learning is an important one, and requires constant attention and commitment. When you have an entire community of like-minded professionals, that is genius waiting to happen.
For more information on our Lean Six Sigma services and courses, please check here.
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