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Veterans: Lean Six Sigma Seeking Your Skills

veterans, military, six sigma, lean, shmula.com

Experience Counts

Veterans, your experience counts! In the professional world, the attributes you bring to the table are exactly what organizations are seeking. That is especially true in the practice of Six Sigma and Lean methodologies. Some will ask though, just what does a veteran bring to the table in the business environment? Let’s walk through the skills veterans possess:

  • Discipline – They are disciplined in every action or manner. The saying goes that if you are early, then you are on time. If you are on time, you are late. That attention to detail is applied to their dress, speech, manners, character and personal appearance. They never have to be asked twice.
  • Attention to Detail – From the 1st day of basic training, they are taught to pay attention to the smallest of detail. It is an ingrained behavior.
  • Process Oriented – The military operates on rules, regulations and process. If it is done in the military, then there is a manual for it. But any successful soldier will tell you, they look outside of the box to find a better way. Veterans are creative and think outside the box.
  • Mission Focused – Veterans are never unsure of what the mission is. They ensure they always understand every aspect of the mission and the expectations outlined to accomplish it. No matter what obstacles they endure, the mission will be accomplished.
  • Loyalty and Devotion – They are 100% committed to their organization and mission. There is always a chain of command and it is always used. They know how to give orders and take orders. A great military leader is also a great military follower. You cannot lead if you cannot follow.

Veterans Make A Difference

The Department of Defense (DOD) is considered to be among the most prominent advocates of Lean and Six Sigma techniques in the public sector, as are the branches of the nation’s armed forces. For example, the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research notes on its website that its Lean Six Sigma efforts seek to improve productivity, encourage innovation and foster a culture of change in the pursuit of excellence. The U.S. Army, meanwhile, honors efforts to improve business processes through its Lean/Six Sigma Excellence Awards Program (LEAP). In 2011, PEO Ammo was among those honored, recognized for introducing a slate of Lean Six Sigma projects that saved the Army about $160 million that year.

Veterans are the perfect fit for future positions as Six Sigma and Lean practitioners. They possess the qualities, temperament and professional discipline that makes a difference. Veterans also have earned their positions of trust and responsibility through hard work and hands on applications. When you consider these factors, along with the security clearances they have been entrusted with, there can be no other candidate for a career in Lean or Six Sigma.


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