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Lean Six Sigma Teams: Finding the Right Size

lean six sigma teams, lean six sigma, teamwork, success, shmula.com

One Size Fits All?

Sometimes there is a misconception with Lean Six Sigma Teams that the more ‘brains’ involved, the better the results. This can especially become a trend when the problems are more detail oriented or complex. Leaders will immediately direct the maximum amount of brain power to attack the problem. Put the best and the brightest on the problem and get results. With that, we also know that sometimes, the ‘brightest’ or ‘high achievers’ bring along their own sets of problems, which could adversely impact projects. High achievers tend to come with over inflated egos and lack the skills to properly operate within a team environment. The key is to seek out team members who have proven results on Lean Six Sigma teams. However, how many of these successful professionals should be on a Lean Six Sigma Team?

Remember, It Is All About Quality

The composition of a successful Lean Six Sigma team is crucial to the overall results that will be achieved. Like any other business team, the leadership is crucial to the overall success. Ideally, a Lean Six Sigma team should be between three and five members, as an average. When considering an energetic and skilled leader, they should be able to properly guide the team throughout the entire process and achieve the desired results. The other members of the team should be comprised of people that have varied skills and bring to the team their unique individual personalities. The key to success here though, is that each member of the team should easily be able to function as a team member, understanding their roles and the importance of team play. Avoid placement of ‘high performers’ or ‘overachievers’ to a team, unless they have clearly demonstrated their ability to function as a team. A successful Lean Six Sigma team has no place for these corporate lone rangers. The mission is always about quality and the consistent improvement of the organization. There is no place for individuals who cannot place the goals of the team or organization above their individual need for achievement and fame.

Ideal Lean Six Sigma Teams

The perfect size and fit of a Lean Six Sigma team can vary based on the needs of the organization and the assignment. Leaders must be very thoughtful when selecting team leadership and members, to get the right skill sets and chemistry. They must be mindful of the fact that size does not matter. Steer away from people that have been labelled ‘overachievers’ or the ‘best and the brightest’ of the organization. They may have achieved individual success in their roles, but you are seeking teamwork and long term quality solutions. An efficient and effective Lean Six Sigma team requires skill sets, mastery and above all, focus on the dynamics of teamwork.

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