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Leadership Six Sigma Style

Most businesses and companies have two main components, the management and the employees. The irony is, many times management is out of touch with the day to day dealings, such as customer interaction and the most effective processes to deliver the product or service in record time – yet they make all the decisions.


Six Sigma draws its strength in success, by understanding that leadership in creating a solution has to be in increments. In other words, when getting a team together for a project solution, everyone has their particular strength in the contribution to the total solution.

3 Very Important Six Sigma Leadership Qualities:

  • A leader understands firsthand what is needed and can unify the vision with his or her teammates.
  • Inspires teammates to contribute to the solution.
  • Maintains focus, and when dealing with conflict must deflect the situation, while being respectful and unifying the team.  

The ability to lead is both an inherited characteristic and a learned quality.  You can teach someone what it takes to be a leader, but after Leadership 101, some will have to keep reading to maintain their knowledge, while others’ natural talent will kick in. They will take it to another level that can’t be taught, but is more of an “arrival.”

Nature or Nurture… Who Cares

Good leaders, whether the skillset comes by naturally or nurtured, are important in order for success to be achieved in any establishment, as long as the leadership unites and conquers in keeping the vision alive. The goal is to deliver the best possible product, in record time, 99.99966% free of defects.

With Six Sigma, leadership unites and doesn’t divide, which is the reason Six Sigma has been so successful when implemented. If you would like more information on our courses or services, please visit 6sigma.com.

SixSigma.com offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!


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