Companies competing in a complex global marketplace face enormous pressure to maintain operational excellence. Applying Lean Six Sigma, the quality management technique used to reduce waste, eliminate product defects and improve customer satisfaction, involves focusing on customer needs and detailed data analysis in order to meet that challenge. Transforming company or business to utilize more efficient processes depends on commitment, leadership and experience.
But what happens when you try and apply the practices of Lean Six Sigma, used in global business situations, to a local food bank?
This video will inspire you! You will see how Toyota consultants (TSSC) take their skills and knowledge of Lean Six Sigma and apply it to the shelves of the North Texas Food Bank
I’m working in grocery industry and today many organization are understanding the Lean Six Sigma approach can be the right chose for their continuous improvement journay.
There are a lot of kinds of applications, in warehouses, in sales area, for organize the shelf spaces, etc.