There appears to be demand Florida Six Sigma Training. Why is there demand for professionals with Lean and Six Sigma experience and certification.
We know that the majority of keyword searches on Google are no longer single words, but phrases and, to a growing extent, phrases in conjunction with other phrases such as:
- lawn mower and honda
- swimming pool and contractor
- etc.
And sometimes, a phrase is searched in conjunction with a location, which is our Crazy Correlation for today.
Using Google Correlate, I searched for the phrase “lean six sigma certification” and the surprising keyword phrase with a high correlation coefficient was “Doral Florida”. This might mean that a good percentage of professionals living in Doral Florida are interested in obtaining lean six sigma training and certification.
I validated this hunch with another Google tool called Google Insights for Search, which shows us keyword searches by location. And, the result validated the relationship between “lean six sigma certification” and “doral florida” as can be seen below:
This relationship begs the question: what is going on in Doral Florida? What companies in Doral Florida have a demand for professionals with lean and six sigma experience?
This sparked my curiousity. So, I went to, a vertical search service for jobs. There, I searched for “lean six sigma” jobs in Doral Florida. Here’s what I found:
There were 64 jobs posted looking for lean six sigma professionals in Doral Florida. Based on the lean six sigma jobs search, Ryder, Watson Pharmaceuticals, and Hertz appear to be companies that are currently hiring professionals with lean six sigma experience.
Any ideas?
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