This is a short post, just highlighting the fact of something new and exciting that’s happening professionally.
I have accepted a board position at iSixSigma Magazine. This is typically a one year, nominated position; I’m honored and look forward to contributing.
If you are not currently a subscriber to the magazine, I’d seriously consider it: compared to other publications on quality, I consider iSixSigma to be above par. The magazine has ~6,000 subscribers and a readership of about ~23,000. There are a lot of companies that subscribe to the magazine.
I would love feedback on the types of articles you would find valuable. Let me know; your feedback can help set the direction of the magazine.
Congrats Pete. I’m sure you will bring valuable experience and insight to the publication.
I just shot Jessica an email and accepted iSixSigma’s invitation as well so it seems we may be able to work togther Pete! I am also honored and look forward to seeing what this has in store.
Conratulations! Cyger and his team are a great bunch to work. And knowing Mike, I am sure he has something very interesting up his sleeve. Best of luck.