Setting the Quality Standard
Are you modeling quality in your profession? When we look at successful leaders, they are the ones who are consistently modeling the behavior they expect. You won’t find a task on their daily to-do list reminding them to model their behavior at all times. It is a deeply engrained habit that is driven from deep inside them. It is a focus on success and the steps to being successful come to them very naturally. No matter what they are doing or where they are, they are modeling success and hold people accountable. You have to dearly love what you do and profess that love to others every day.
Consistent and Continuous Improvement
One of the most successful contemporary leaders of our time is Steve Jobs. His vision, passion and commitment to quality were not only inspired but extremely intense. On a daily basis, he woke up with a burning passion for his work. He eliminated clutter and mindless distraction from his world to enable him to keep and maintain a laser focus on what was important. These qualities allowed him to develop and produce some of the most innovative products that changed the face of culture in the world. Steve Jobs never accepted work that he considered to be trivial, unfocused or mindless. He consistently held people accountable with a passion and drove them to reach their highest potential. His efforts pushed his innovation forward at a pace unmatched by others. He never lost sight of the most important reason ‘why’ he did his work … which was the customer. Everything that Steve Jobs developed was strictly with the customer in mind and it hinged completely on their total satisfaction with the product.
Moving Forward with Passion
It is said that success leaves clues. For professionals practicing Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, Steve Jobs habits cannot be ignored. Our professionals demand the same standards as what Steve Jobs promoted. We expect continous and consistent improvement in everything we do. Lean and Six Sigma professionals are harmoniously aligned with the leadership inspirations of Steve Jobs. At the end of the day, we strive to create an environment that is solely driven by the customer. We all share the same passion for success.
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