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Respect for People

Respect for People Principle

[toc]Bob Emiliani published a very good article on principle of Respect for People [1. I will use Respect for People and Respect for the Human interchangeably – I learned the latter at Toyota. The former is used outside of Toyota.] – an aspect not well understood in Lean Management. This article addresses specifically the other 2 types of wastes that are less commonly discusses – Mura and Muri. At bottom, Lean is meant to build people that are high yield, low maintenance.

As a bonus, there are also 5 videos from Norman Bodek, where he discusses Respect for People in excruciating detail. The videos are entertaining and also very informative. Check them out.

In that Emiliani’s article, he extends a challenge:

In closing, you will have a pretty good basic understanding of Lean management when you can articulate how the Respect for People principle relates to takt time, standardized work, 5 Whys, heijunka, jidoka, just-in-time, set-up reduction, kanban, poka-yoke, kaizen, and visual controls, for each of the following categories of people: employees, suppliers, customers, investors, and communities for all of these 11 items in all five categories, not just for a couple of items in one or two categories.

I’d like to accept that challenge. In the next several weeks or months, based on my experience and understanding, I’d like to show how Respect for People relates to the more popular aspects of Lean that are often talked about and receive an inordinate amount of focus from the Lean community.

As I publish each article, I’d love your feedback also. I’m specifically interested in your personal experience and where I might be missing something. I’d love to learn from you also.

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Norman Bodek Video Part 1

Here’s a great series on Lean and Respect for People. Here is Part 1 of that video.

Respect for People Video Transcript Part 1

Norman: We’re going to talk about three marvelous concepts which is on the people’s side of Lean. They’re very powerful concepts. And funny thing is when you look at Toyota — let’s go back to Toyota. Toyota has a house, this is the Toyota production system, and Toyota has two pillars for their success. The one on the left is Just in Time or Continuous Improvement or what we mean by Lean. And the pillar on the right is called Respect for People. Isn’t that amazing? The strength of the largest automotive company in the world, at least they were, Toyota, the richest company in the world by far, even with the trouble they had the last couple of years, the foundation of their success is respect for people. What do we mean by that? What’s the best day of the week? Let’s, be honest with me. Friday.

Male Speaker: Thursday.

Norman: Why Thursday?

Male Speaker: We’re comforting ourselves.

Norman: Now, be honest with me, how many of you love Tuesday? Raise your hand if you love Tuesday. You love Tuesday.

Male Speaker: Sure happy it’s Tuesdays.

Norman: Why?

Male Speaker: It’s just a good acronym.

Norman: Oh it’s just an acronym. Sure Happy It’s Tuesday. It’s closer to Friday. Well, this is a very strange phenomenon that exists with us and that we have to change. Every day has to be the best day of the week. So what’s going on at work that we’re not passionate about? That we’re not excited about? That we’re not happy to get up in the morning and go there? We have to change the environment. How long — how many lives do you have? How many lives do you have? One that we know about, anyway. We should make it such a great life. We can do this. We really can do it, we’re going to talk about that today.One is I want you to learn this Quick and Easy Kaisen system. I want you to go back — And I can teach it to you in one thing. So everybody take a piece of paper, and just write this down. It’s so easy. Quick and easy Kaisen is so easy. All you do is, when you go back, you get people together and you say, “You know you’ll work the best.

I want you to look around your work area, just look around your work area, and look for very small problems. Not big problems, small problems. And then come up with an idea to solve the problem. You come up with the idea. Don’t ask me to solve it, I want you to find a problem and I want you to come up with the solution. Then I want you to write it down on a sheet of paper, just a sheet of paper, write down the problem, write down the solution, and then talk to your supervisor, and say, This is my problem, and this is my solution. And then the supervisor says one thing. What does the supervisor say? Great. Do it. Right, no idea is a bad idea. No, no idea is a bad idea. In fact, one person submitted an idea, and the idea said “I want to blow up the plant.” Now what should the supervisor say? “Great idea!” Yeah, he said, “Good. The place stinks.” We have to get through the language problem, and we have to support it. And the trick is to get the person to come up with the idea, come up with the solution, write it down, go to the supervisor and implement it. And if possible, take a picture of the before and after and put it up on the wall. And then you say to the person, “I want at least two ideas per month to improve your work area.”

It is so easy to do, you know, you have a choice in life. The choice in life, you know, is you can carry the weight the rest of your life, or you find a better way to do it. And people will come up with better ways. I went to Gulfstream there in Savannah, but I went to their plant in Mexicali, Mexico. They make the corporate jets. A thousand people there. They got 300 ideas. Three hundred ideas out of 1000 people in 2005-2006. They got 40 ideas per employee last year. They got 40,000 ideas out of their employees. 40,000 improvement ideas and then the manager would say to me, “How do you manage this?” Did that occur to anybody in the room? How do you manage 40,000 ideas? And what’s the answer? You don’t! They manage it. You trust people and they’ll do it. The funny thing in my life is I say, if Gulfstream can do it, you can do it and they can do it. You can do it. Not only if they can do it you can do it, if they can do it you must do it. If you want to stay internationally competitive, you can’t let them do things that you’re not doing. So when you go back from this meeting, you’re going to go back and start a Quick and Easy Kaisen System. It is simple as that. You just go back and do it.

And this is what is Kaisen. If you focus on the people — The problem with most systems in the past, even in Lean. The problem in Lean is you want to make the company lean. You focus on improving the process, is that correct? You focus on eliminating waste, is that correct? You focus on the process. I’m telling you focus on people. Make the work better for people, and then you’ll have a great company and you’ll get as lean as you want. And the result will be lower costs, higher quality, faster throughput, improved safety and better customer service. You will get that. The funny thing is I’m missing the word “Profit.” This is a funny thing in America. It’s very unusual and peculiar to us, this whole idea of profit. It’s a funny thing when the corporation says to you, I’m going to get in trouble. I always like to get in trouble this way. But the company says, “You’ve got to make profit.” For who?

Male Speaker: For the shareholders.

Norman: They have enough money, believe me. Forget the shareholders. You make a great company, you focus on really making it a great company, and they’ll have plenty of profits. I went to Hino Motors. This was so wonderful. They have a big board in the middle of the factory. I’ll try to show it to you later. It’s a big board in the middle of the factory, and I stopped the plant manager. Hino Motors makes the trucks and the buses with Toyota. And to visualize this, it’s a big, big board, and on it is little slips of paper. And on the slips of paper is a picture of all the workers in this area. Okay. Slip of paper, so maybe 30 sheets of paper, with 30 pictures, and room to write. And I said to the manager, “What is this? What is this?” And he said, “This is a mistake board.” This is a mistake board. We’re talking about respect for people. What happens now in your company now when people make mistakes? What happens?

I’ve been to companies when they have signs up on the wall and they say “Don’t make mistakes.” Don’t make mistakes. But how do you learn? You learn only by making mistakes. Look at a child right, learning how to stand up. They fall down 100 times before the muscle system learn. So we learn by making mistakes. When you go to the company and they say don’t make mistakes, so what is the company saying to you? Don’t learn. It’s the same thing in the school systems. When you go to the school system, right? You take a test. This is a funny thing. You take a test, and every time you make a mistake, the grade goes down. So what’s the school system telling you? Don’t make mistakes. So the school system is saying, come to school and don’t what?

Female Speaker: Learn.

Norman: And don’t learn. I mean this is funny. We’re going to change this. I love this mistake board, and I’ve been working with Gulfstream for the last five years. They didn’t bring me in last year, but for five years, they used to bring me a couple of times a year, and they have mistake boards now in the factory. It’s the most fabulous way to change your culture. So I mentioned, you’re going to go back and do Quick and Easy Kaisen, I recommend you go back and do the Doka. I recommend you go back and put in a mistake board. It is so wonderful. You’re telling people “Every time you make a mistake, go put your mistake on the board.” Right? And then don’t do it again.

I teach at Portland State University. I teach a course called The Best of Japanese Management. I teach every Tuesday night, before I came here. And first class is “Go and See.” I’d like you to write this down too, Go and See. This is very powerful, Go and See. That means I say to the students the following: I want you to go out, I don’t care where, you go to your company, go to a restaurant. I want you to find opportunities for improvement. And I want you to take pictures, and come back and make slide presentations. So what I like to do in my class is I do the first half and they do the second half. They get up and teach what they’re learning. This is a very powerful exercise, is to ask people in your company just to go out in small groups, maybe two and three people, and just find opportunities for improvement, and then come back and let’s share it. It will blow your mind what people are able to come up with.

I learnt this from Dr. Fakuda many many years ago. He was my first author, and what he did is he would get together little teams, and he would say to them, “Go out into the factory, just go out and look for things that might cause problems for safety. Don’t wait, you know what I mean, for the canister to blow up. Go out and look for opportunities for safety, and it’s amazing what people will come up with.

Norman Bodek Video Part 2

Respect for People Video Transcript Part 2

Norman: I have a friend in Japan, Shigehiro Nakamura. I published his book called “The New Standardization.” It’s a beautiful book. This man is a genius. He is the top trainer in all of Japan on the process side. Hirata is the best trainer in Japan on the human side. This is what I do. I’m a magnet to find these amazing people in the world. And Shigehiro is a genius. He teaches maybe 35 different manufacturing courses at Japan Management Association. He’s an incredible genius, and he created this map with a group of people. And by the way, I’m very happy to send you a copy of this map. It is brilliant. What this map does is we look at our total company. How many of you want to be world class? Raise your hand? Come on. Okay, how many of you don’t want to be world class? Raise your hand. Isn’t that wonderful? Okay. We all want to be world class.

This is a map to get us to world class, but instead of just taking one little thing, we want the whole company to be world class. So on the left hand side, we’re putting the strategy. We’re putting the processes that we’re going to work on to be world class. And then we divide the plant into 38 parts, 38 parts. One is quality. Another is supply chain. Another one is robotics. Another is maintenance. Another is people development. We divide it into 38 segments. Then we look at what is the best technique in the world in this segment? As an example, quality. What’s one of the best techniques that you’re doing in the field of quality? What are you doing? What are you doing in quality improvement?

Audience: SPC.

Norman: SPC. What else are you doing? Six Sigma, of course. If you look at the map, you’ll see these. You know, you’ll see Six Sigma up here. So one column has what are the best techniques in the world in each area? This is a brilliant map. The second column says who’s doing it? Let’s take Six Sigma. What’s one of the best companies in the world that did Six Sigma? Do you know?

Audience: Motorola.

Norman: Well, it came from Motorola, but General Electric is the one that did it better. And Motorola took it from where? Where do you think Motorola got Six Sigma from? It’s Japan. It’s total quality control with a black belt. That’s all it is. Take total quality control, put on a black belt, that gave people motivation. I mean, it’s a genius what they did, you know what I mean? I mean, you could have learned total quality management for free. They put a black belt on it and you paid $20,000 to get the black belt. I think that’s incre — I don’t think it’s $20,000 today, but it used to be $20,000. So in the next column, every other Friday, my four students got together with me and Nakamura in Japan was on Skype. So it’s 8:00 in the morning in Tokyo and it’s 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon where I live near Portland, Oregon. I live in Vancouver, Washington. And he’s on Skype and we’re on Skype so we’re able to see each other which is really nice. I don’t pay anything extra to be on Skype. It’s wonderful. And we would look at this map and each week, we would take one line. So it took us a year and a half, this 38, right?

Every other week, it took a year and a half to go through the whole map. We did this every other Friday for a year. It’s amazing because he didn’t charge me anything, nothing. He’s just a good friend. And I didn’t charge the students anything. It’s amazing. Why didn’t I charge the students? Anyway, so we come along and then we come to this line. And this line says, “Standard Manpower” and then the next column says “Day to Day Management”. So what this is saying is that the best technique to get standard manpower is day to day management. So what Nakamura is saying is that his group… This came from a really high level group in Tokyo. They’re a bunch of brains, professors, and top managers from industry got together to create this map. And now, many companies in Japan do this map internally. In fact, I’m trying to think one company, they divided their plant into 300 parts, not just 38 parts, to define what’s world class. So they did their benchmarking, and they say the best technique in the world, not just in Japan, the best technique in the world, they call day to day management. And then look at the column on the right. What does it say? It says Takashi Hirata.

Norman Bodek Video Part 3

Respect for People Video Transcript Part 3

Norman: This is the man I flew to Tokyo to meet. It is Takashi Harada. He’s about 50 years old today and he started out as a junior high school teacher in Osaka, Japan. Osaka is the second largest city in Japan and he was a junior high school teacher for about 20 years. He was a track and field coach. He ended up in the worst school in the city. Out of 380 schools, he was in the worst school. He was in the slums if there’s such a thing as slums in Japan. It was a slum. It was the poorest neighborhood. The kids used to come to school if they did come to school. They didn’t believe in themselves. They came from broken homes. It was terrible– the environment– but he wouldn’t accept it. He wanted them to be the best athletes in not just Osaka. He wanted them to be the best athletes in all of Japan. And how he’s going to do it? Well, he studied the best in the world. He studied every great coach in the world. And then it came to him one day that there are coaches in Osaka. I want you to think about this and parallel yourself. There are coaches in Osaka that every year have a great team. I say to parallel yourself because there are companies out there that are always successful. And what are they doing that you’re not doing? And you copy. I mean, this thing that we learn in the school systems, you have to be innovative. That’s nuts. You copy then you could innovate.

What Harada did– amazing man– he said, “You know, there are schools in Osaka that every year are great. What is that coach doing that we’re not doing?” And he said, “Those coaches, maybe they’re better neighborhoods. But they can’t go out of the neighborhood to get players.” It’s not like college, it’s not like professional. They can go anywhere to get the top player. Right? They have the money. But if you’re in school system, you got to take what you get and develop them somehow. Well, how do you really develop people? That’s what this is all about. Day-to-day management. I am told that the Harada Method is the best method in the world in day-to-day management — day-to-day management to develop people to their highest capability. There is a process — is what we’re told — that we can develop people to the highest capability. To challenge them as we just heard from John [SP].

Harada got all excited with this vision that if somebody else can do it, why can’t I? And that’s my concept. If somebody else can do it, why can’t I? That’s one great concept for me. If they can do it, somehow I can do it. And then if something has to be done, I should do it. Why should I wait for somebody else to do it? It has to begin somewhere. Why shouldn’t it begin with me? Those are two wonderful things that I like. So I meet this amazing man and what he did is he copied every one of the — He knew the work of John Wooden. I’m sure he knew Chizevsky. I’m sure he knew Williams. I’m sure he knew all these great coaches that we have in America. I left out Kentucky. Who did I leave out?

Male 1: Paterno.

Norman: Paterno’s pretty good, too. Who’s the coach of Kentucky, the basketball team?

Male 1: Calipari.

Norman: What?

Male 2: John Calipari.

Norman: John Calipari, thank you. Okay. So he studied everybody. Well, he started to try to teach these students. He wanted to motivate them. He wanted to be great athletes and he wanted them to be really great athletes. And so he started to push them a little bit. First of all, you got to come to school. You go to come to school on time. You know, 9:00 is school not 10:30. You got to be here on time. And he started to push the students, “I want to make you into great athletes.” Well, they grumbled and grumbled then finally, one day, the principal comes, the parents come, and the students come and they confront him. And they say, “Mr. Harada, what are you trying to do with our children?” and Harada says, “What I’m trying to do with your children is that they succeed in life. I want them to be great in life. Don’t you want your son to be great? You have a child, you have a son. Do you want them to be great?”

“Okay,” that’s what he said. This is what he told them, “You give me three years and I guarantee this high school, which is the worst rated out of 380 high schools, we’re going to be number one in Osaka. And if we’re not number one, fire me.” And they said, “Okay.” And they eased up and they let him begin to implement. I think it’s the most amazing method and, if not, complicated, and we’ll teach you as much as we can in the next hour to see if you can begin the process in your own organization to really focus on how everybody there can possibly be the best. Now, what was so amazing — I was there in Japan, that was last year. I was there the day of the earthquake. I was lucky I wasn’t in North Japan, I was in Osaka. But that building shook for 10 minutes. This is 500 miles away and the building was shaking back and forth and I’m standing in the building and the elevator stopped. And this is 500 miles away. That’s how intense the earthquake was at that moment. I was thinking, “Of course, if I’m going to teach Harada, I have to go learn from him.”

I’ve been to him eight times already to try to learn this method to perfect it and now, I’m writing a book with him. The school was the worst out of 380 schools and within three years, the best. What did he do? I’m working with a company called C.I.B.C. Bank in Canada. They’re rated number five in customer service. And I told them, “I believe that I can help you become number one in customer service in three years.” I think that I can replicate what Harada did with this school with that bank with 40,000 people. It’s not complicated. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon. You just have to inspire people somehow to attain the best that they possibly can. And so– I mentioned the coaches– 13 of his students in the next two years won gold medals. That means they never had a gold medalist at the school before. Never. Thirteen students won gold medals. That means they were the best athlete in all of Japan, not just Osaka, but the all of Japan.

It’s a funny story, too, as I’m writing this book with him is one woman who’s standing at the podium. She won by about a half a second. She won her event, she’s standing on the podium. She’s waving at Harada and they’re saying to her on the microphone, “Well, what did you do to win?” What do you think she said? “What did you do to win?” She said, “I wash dishes at home every night.” Just think of that. We’ll come back to that. “I was dishes every night at home is the reason I won my gold medal.” This is part of the Harada Method which is so powerful. Think about that a little bit. And the school became the best school out of three. It went from the worst school. I said, “Harada, was your school the worst school?” He says, “I don’t know because we were the only school that was not rated to the best school for the next 12 years in a row. Harada left the school system 10 years ago, but it’s continued to be the best because it’s following the formula that he laid down that I hope I can communicate a little bit to you today that there is a possibility. There is a method for you to be the best possible you.

Norman Bodek Video Part 4

Respect for People Video Transcript Part 4

The essence and the power of the Harada Method is we want everybody in the organization to be self-reliant. We want to develop everybody in the company to be full. We want to make sure this is a knowledge company, a growing company. We want everybody to be trusted. You can’t trust people unless they have the knowledge and the skill. How are they going to get the knowledge and the skill? Not a vacuum. You’ve got to train them every day. You’ve got to push them every day. You’ve got to challenge them every day. They should have homework. Why should we have homework just in college, in school? I mean it’s crazy, you know what I mean? You go through 12 years, 16, 18 years of school, you’re doing your homework — at least you should be doing your homework and then you go to work and there’s no homework. Why do we stop learning? Why don’t we have a sign in front of our factory that says, “Leave your brains outside”? “You leave it here in this box; we’ll give it back to you when you go home at the end of the day.” We have to stop that nonsense.

This is a little test that I want you to take. I want you to take this one sheet of paper and on it, I’d like you to evaluate yourself in relationships. How self-reliant are you? And put a 1 to 10 after each word. Give yourself a number from 1 to 10. You rate yourself. I want you to rate yourself. How capable? How brave are you? How confident? These words represent you are self-reliant. This is the problem that we have in our company. That’s why we quality record people because we don’t trust them. We have to watch them. If they were fully self-reliant, then we wouldn’t have to quality record them. If they make a mistake, we would talk about that mistake to try to correct it and to move forward. We’d let people meet at the end of every day to discuss the problems that occurred during the day so they could solve it and not repeat it the next day. This is a wonderful little test that I’d like you to take on your own. Get down on your own and give yourself a score from 1 to 10. Then I’d like you to go back and take 10 of them. You don’t have to do that now, but I’d like you to go back and take 10 of them and see what you’re going to do in your life to move it up to 10.

This is brand new from Toyota. Toyota now has a manager of self-reliance. See, because Toyota ran into trouble a couple of years ago with the breaks, they got such bad publicity they lost billions of dollars because of the trouble and they said, “We have to get more self-reliant.” So they now have a self-reliance vision. This comes from Toyota. This is one of their slides. There’s a woman in Georgetown, now in charge of trying to get them self-reliant. To them, it means the following. You see prior to this, any major problem they had to check with Nagoya in Japan to solve the problem. All big decisions had to go to Japan. Well, Toyota says, “We can’t live that way in the world. We’re a global company.” They have to be self-reliant in each area. So this is a giant step. Each little department in each plant now has to become self-reliant to make more of the decisions. I believe we got to take it down to the lowest level which is everybody in the company has to become self-reliant so we can trust them. We want everybody to be a world champion. We want everybody to be the best you. The best you. What they go through, it’s amazing.

I was watching television in Japan and they were showing the Olympic tryouts for the swim team. And I’m watching their… Did you see 60 Minutes on Sunday? Did you see them interview Philips? Did you see how his body…? Wasn’t it beautiful? Did you notice what that man did? It maybe took him 10 years to get that body, but that’s what you got to do. You got to get a strong goal, and once the strong goal is deep enough, you’ll do anything to attain your goal. It’s amazing what you can attain in life if you do this. A self-directing person is open minded about criticism. It’s like an empty glass. Harada teaches this very powerful thing, is look at yourself as an empty glass of water that is open to be full. That’s your job. Just look at yourself as an empty glass of water ready to be filled. Let’s go on. I want you all to learn this wonderful concept called the Harada Method. We have some tools. I’ve shared this with you. These are the tools Harada came up with. He has a basic philosophy of what all this is about, and you’ll notice we have the 33 words of it.

Then we have what’s called the Goal Setting Sheet. The Goal Setting Sheet is very simply the following. You have to pick a goal. That’s the first thing. If we could put measures on the goal, it’s even better. If you could put measures, it’s even better because you have to know where you’re going, and then you have to know, “Am I getting there?” And in order for you to know if you’re getting there, you need some kind of measures. This is analogy, and it comes from sports and I want to throw the shot put, right? Well, I know the record is 60 meters for the shot put. So I have a measure. If I want to be better, I have to have 60.5 meters as my goal. Now, in order to get there, I will take interim steps. I’ll take an interim step and say, “Well, the highest goal will be 60.5, but I’ll put 57 as my interim.” And then I’ll say, “Well, what am I really capable of doing within the next six months?” And I’ll set a third goal and then, “What’s my current capacity?” Well, now I can do 50 meters. I know I can at least do 50 meters. Then I’ll put down the dates. I need a date.

If you’re an athlete, you know the event is going to be on January 16th. You know you’ve got to be ready January 16th. It’s no good being ready January 17th. You’ve got to be ready on the 16th. You need something that’s going to motivate you forward, but you need a goal. The next thing I need, I need a purpose. These are the fundamental steps of the Harada Method. I need a goal. I need a purpose. I’m going to analyze myself. Where am I? I got to know where I am in order to know where I’m going. I’m going to analyze myself. Then I’m going to put action steps. I have to put action steps. How do I get there? We then decide a — This is very powerful, by the way. Establishing a purpose. Harada did this in a quadrant. Four segments in a quadrant. The top two is tangible. The bottom two is intangible. What am I going to do? What’s my purpose, tangible purpose for attaining my goal?

Well, in a tangible way, then I divide it this way left and right. For me, and for everybody else. For me, for my family, for society, et cetera. It’s a quadrant of four to be successful. We look in four quadrants. Now, the secret here is to write down as many as you can, as many purposes as you can, and as deep as you can, as important as you can because you want to get yourself so excited, so passionate. Then the next segment is self-analysis. These are the goals. If we decide our goal and it’s important, we show it by numbers. Where is our goal? Where’re we going? We’re going to set these goals. And what does winning mean to you? Decide the due dates. When am I going to do it? The importance of setting exact dates to attain your goal. Then you have to learn how to dream. You have to learn how to dream. This is an important part of the Harada Method, is you have to learn how to dream. You have to dream what you’re capable of being. You have to believe in it. You have to dream. You have to see yourself up on the podium. You have to see yourself as a winner if you’re going to be a winner. You know, you start off the process.

Norman Bodek Video Part 5

Respect for People Video Transcript Part 5

Male Speaker: What Harada does is we now come and analyze ourselves. I want you to write these four categories down. When Harada started as a coach — now I’m giving you the best coaching system in the world and it applies for business. And Harada said the following, “I got to build the skills of these students so they become super athletes”. So he focused on skills and he studied, “how am I going to throw the shot put? What skills do I need to throw the shot put? What kind of movement do I need? Do you know what I mean? What do I have to do, what do I have to learn to throw the shot put?”. Okay. Then he said, “I need the best mental attitude. I have to know how to fo-” Tiger Woods was so wonderful in his ability to focus. He had great skill, but he had great capacity to focus at that moment until he made one fundamental, just a little tiny mistake, you know, little, little, little, tiny mistake, and boy did he blow the game. I don’t pity him. He still has a little money left. Although, he did win a tournament this year. But you have to have the right mental attitude. Then Harada said, “The physical condition, you have to be healthy. You have to take care of your body. You got to exercise properly. You got to get enough sleep”.

And he’s looking in terms of the children. You have to build up your skill, you have to believe in yourself. That’s the big mental criteria. You have to believe in yourself. You take a goal and you have to believe that you can attain that goal. If you don’t believe it, who’s going to believe it? And then you got to get the right physical — then he said, “You know, even with these three aspects, I still can’t get winners. Even with great skill, great belief, great physical condition, I still couldn’t get winners”. What was missing? Just think of this. People come to work. Well, how many hours a week do they work with you? How many hours?

Participant: At least 40.

Male Speaker: 40. And how many hours are there in a week? So, how many?

Participant: 168.

Male Speaker: 168. If Jeff said 168 it must be right. 168 hours in the week. So I get the person for 40 hours out of 168 hours. What happens with the other 168? This is what Harada said. They go home, they live in the slums, right? Their parents are drunk, right? They’re beating up on each other. The noise is so loud, the TV is blasting. Do you know what I mean? The kid can’t sleep at night. He lives in this disharmony and I want him to come to school and be a champion. Can’t do it! So what do we do to change the environment? Harada tried to figure out, “What can I do to change the environment? I can go talk to the parents and say, ‘if you want to have a great, successful son, turn the TV off'”. But it’s not so easy to do. So what can you do to change the environment is what Harada started to think about. And so he is Harada today, the most successful consultant in Japan? Probably the most-, pretty close to the most successful consultant in Japan. Today, he gets $15,000 a day for his time plus he wrote 12 books and I’m sure they’re bestsellers in Japan. Plus, he runs training for thousands of people and everybody that is trained must buy his training manual and he gets that income.

So he is doing very, very, very, very well at this moment. And every night, Mr. Harada goes home, and what do you think he does? He not only washes the dishes, he cleans the toilet. Amazing. Why does he clean the toilet? Because he wants to serve in totality that which he’s part of and nothing is beneath him. And he goes home to serve the people that he live with so that he can change the basic routines, the basic habits, because there is a routine that exists which creates the condition that’s happening now. And how do we get the student to be successful? And how do you learn how to be successful? Is we have to change the fundamental habits that you go through in your life everyday. This is one of the great powers of the Harada method, is to get you to identify what routines you go through everyday and how do you change these routines so that you can be the best possible you. And then we analyze ourselves in relationship to that four categories. And I analyze my strengths, I analyze my successes. What did I do in my past to be so successful? Harada just gave me a new test. My wife was just reading his latest book on praise.

And what she said: “Norman, you have to write down”-, you too, this: you have to write down 50 strengths about yourself. I want you to write down, come on not now, but I want you to write down — I want you to find 50 great things that you do in your life. Okay. Then I want you to analyze your failures. What are the things that you’re not doing right. Because I want you to look at your strengths so you can repeat them. I want you to look at your failures so you could replace them with something new. And then I want you to look at underlying problems. What are the problems you perceive about yourself? You know? Negative thinking and speech. I could not organize my work and worries. I was stressed and irritated. I made careless mistakes. I take too much time to deal with my emails. I work without my to-do list. I gain weight from eating out too much. I did not spend time wisely at home. I do not clean my room. I spend different time frame than my family. Anyway, I put off my studies. You analyze yourself, and then you come up with your countermeasures. What are you going to do about it? You list all of those countermeasures. You’re taking charge of your whole life in other words.

Then we have a 64 chart. This is amazing chart. It takes 30 minutes to do this. What we do with this chart is we write down eight categories. I want to be the best Harada method teacher and I want to be the best Harada method teacher. I want to teach teachers how to teach students how to be successful in life and I want to teach managers how to teach employees to be successful in life. So I have to study Harada, I have to develop courses, I have to write everyday, I have to somehow figure out to be financially successful, I have to learn more about time management, I have to have a lot of fun with my family, I have to look at my mental health, and I have to learn how to market. So I divide what I want to do, what tasks do I have to do to be successful in eight areas. This is not difficult to do. And then I am going to write down eight, eight, eight tasks in each area. So I put those boxes all over this 64, it says 64 chart but they’re really 81 boxes.

And so I put “develop courses” over on the right and “what kinds of courses am I going to develop” and I’ll write eight different courses that I’m going to work on to develop. Then after I come up with these 64 specific tasks that I have to do then I have to look at my routines. This is amazing process. I want to write down at least 10 o 12 routines that I’m going to do everyday to attain my goal. You want to do something different everyday. This is the wonderful part of the Harada method. I want to attain my goal. Harada says, “This is absolutely perfect. You can have what you want but you got to work for it”. Okay. There’s a few more things to the element. There’s a daily diary where you keep a record of what you want to do everyday, what tasks do I want to accomplish everyday, and you look to see that you’ve done what you want to do and you work with a coach.

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1 Response

  1. You’ve made a nice start. Maybe leave the remainder incomplete as a practical learning for others to do? Just a thought.

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