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Kaizen Before and After Template

[toc]The Kaizen Before and After Template is simple and effective and can help communicate the results from your Kaizen Efforts. The Kaizen Before and After Template has 5 main parts.

And, go here for a funny perspective on the feelings before and during a Kaizen event.

0. Problem

In this section, you want to elaborate in either words or a picture (or both) the problem you are tackling. It is preferable to also indicate the metric you are trying to influence in this section.

1. Action Taken

In this section you want to show the results of your 5 Whys exercise, with a specific focus on the countermeasures that you implemented with your team to attach each of the root causes.

2. Results

before and after kaizen template downloadIn this section, you want to elaborate in a sentence or two the specific results of your work.

3. Before Kaizen

In this section you should show in a picture, graph, chart, or in words (which is not preferable) what the problem looked like before Kaizen.

4. After Kaizen

We know that a picture speaks a thousand words, so if you can show the after Kaizen in a chart, graph, or a picture what the results were after you and your team practiced Kaizen to the problem at hand.

5. Before Kaizen and After Kaizen Video Tutorial

That’s it.

6. Kaizen Before and After Template Download

Go get your free Kaizen Before and After Template by clicking on the download button below.

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