Many people don’t stop to think about the meaning of certain holidays or why we observe them. So this Memorial Day, let’s stop and really think about what Memorial Day signifies.
On Memorial Day, we honor all the men and women who have fought in our armed forces and lost their lives. They were doing their patriotic duty, what our country asked them to do. has really taken this to heart. Because of our fallen heroes, we have the freedom to open a business and use Six Sigma methodologies without worry. As an added bonus, we want to honor both Six Sigma pioneers such as Bill Smith for having the courage to implement these great methodologies that touch many of branches of our armed forces today.
Who knew that our armed forces would cross paths with Six Sigma? For example, the Six Sigma of today has reduced waste in our Marine Corps, and has increased productivity. These methodologies are raising the standards of excellence all the way around.
We would like to honor our Six Sigma forefathers as we would our other fallen heroes who fought and perished in battle. Our soldiers fought for our freedom, and our forefathers left us with the tools to create a stronger, even more efficient military for the future of our country. is honoring all of our countless heroes who made our country the great place that is it. We thank you for your service.
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